Swiss Federation Of Cricket Umpires & Scorers (sFOCUS)
Contact: Clive Denney
Club website:
Social media: n/a
sFOCUS constitution: Click here
About sFOCUS
The Swiss Federation of Cricket Umpires & Scorers (swissFocus) was constituted in June 2001, its objectives being to promote and develop Cricket Umpiring and Scoring in Switzerland, and to attain and maintain recognised standards of Cricket Umpiring and Scoring.
The Swiss Federation Of Umpires & Scorers (swissFocus), is responsible for training umpires and scorers to officiate in the League Championship, Mr. Pickwick T20 Cup and other domestic tournaments and matches organised by Cricket Switzerland affiliated clubs, such as the Zuoz Festival, Cricket On Ice and Swiss international matches.
There are currently 2 intermediate level umpires and 70+ active umpires having completed an swissFocus introductory course.