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Cricket Switzerland is always looking at ways to expose cricket to as many people in Switzerland as possible and at ways to earn extra money to support the development of cricket in Switzerland.


Following is a list of services that cricket can provide you and/or your organisation:

Introduction to Cricket – for juniors

Over the years we have taught cricket to a variety of Swiss youngsters, all across the country and all different ages.

We have done this as part of project weeks encourging cultural awareness, or designed as a way of teaching a English as a foreign language.


This 2-3 hour introduction to cricket is run by members of your local cricket club, at the cricket ground or at your own facilities, and consists of:

  • Introduction to cricket
    The game, rules, where it is played
  • Basic skills
    Teach some basic skills such as learning to catch, throwing a ball straight, how to bat & bowl 
  • Cricket Match
    Play an actual game of cricket customised to suit the requirements of the particpants

For more information complete the Contact Form.

Corporate team building

Cricket is a game of multiple individual’s moments of skill and achievement that collectively form a team effort. Through effort & hard work, even players with little ability can have their moment of glory in cricket, and this same passion and commitment can be applied in the professional world. We can also use these same skills to promote corporate team building in your organisation.  


This 3-4 hour cricket course is designed to promote a team building effort and is run by members of your local cricket club at the cricket ground:

  • Introduction to cricket
    The game, rules, where is cricket played professionally
  • Basic skills
    Teach participants the basic skills of cricket such as catching, throwing, bowling, batting, fielding, keeping score
  • Cricket match
    Split the participants into two or more teams and play softball or hardball cricket in a proper match environment

For more information complete the Contact Form.

Cricket equipment rental

Cricket Switzerland would be happy to arrange for you to rent cricket equipment for your own cricket day.


From indoor matting & nets, bowling machine, bats, balls and a range of protective equipment or kwik cricket sets for novices.

For more information complete the Contact Form.